понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Hello :)

iapos;m feeling very confused at the moment. My boyfriend is away at the moment and iapos;ve spoken to him quite a bit still, but occasionally on the phone i felt guilt when i was talking to him. I have no reason to be guilty, i havnapos;t done anything so i donapos;t understand why iapos;m feeling like that. He should be back wednesday or something so iapos;m looking forward to seeing him so we can talk about all the shit that has been going on.
today, i got the bus into town and gave me CV�into a clothes shop that my friend referred me to, so hopefully i get a call from them. Though i have no battery on my mobile which is a downfall. I feel really tired for some reason grr, i didnapos;t get to bed until like 3am though so that probably explains it haha.

keep posting x
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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My Easter nice ^_^ I really enjoyed it I woke up and my dad gave me five boxes of peeps, a containter of red vines, and some chocolate He knows Iapos;m not a chocolate fiend like most people are. All in all I was very happy.

I also went to meet Gabeapos;s family. His moms side, actually. I almost stayed home because I had a lot of work to do, but then I forced (literally) myself into a break. I was really stressing myself sick, and it was to the point I was being snippy with people. So I said "Screw it" and dove for the Easter get together. Itapos;s not like I didnapos;t want to go. Donapos;t get me wrong I DID want to, but work is important to me. So I was a bit on edge about leaving the work. Iapos;ll be working late tomorrow, thatapos;s for sure.

Anyways the rest of the family I met was nice. Mostly the kids were new people. Iapos;d already met his Grandma and a few others.

OH His mom gave me a necklace that her mom gave her. She said she had no use for it and I just -adore- it Itapos;s so awesome

Well I had saggetti (sapos;way I spell it) and salad for dinner. It was yummy Then I had some Raspberry Cheesecake It was yummy *-* I helped Gabe and his mom hide the Easter eggs and watched them refind the hidden treasures. It was the cutest thing ever XD I had lots of fun and meeting these people a second time I wonapos;t be so shy I get really shy around adults I donapos;t know. I think I need to learn their personalities before I start acting like me. Not that I am not adult acceptable, just to learn how they act so I can compliment it. Itapos;s a hard thing to explain but itapos;s mentally involved.

And Iapos;m off to bed after a bit more of organizing and work. Gonna wake up 6:30 am. Night <3


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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...That was what, time number three? At least it wasnapos;t too chaotic. But Lockon, what were you thinking letting me pilot a mobile suit when I was like that?

Back to normal, at least. ...Sorry about that, Setsuna. I didnapos;t exactly control when Iapos;d be suddenly changing back.

Grimmjow, you are, as usual, a bastard.

And Sylar, Hallelujah says that heapos;s touched that you called him a good person.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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Here I�am on another well deserved� 3 days off. We had to spray someone again, which always helps to liven things up at the end of the shift. BITCH Now my face will break out for Katrinaapos;s wedding. When I got home, I�had to take a shower with baby shampoo and will have to do so every day for the past week, which is how long pepper spray stays in your system.

Anywhoo: I noticed my birth control pills were about to run out, so I�called up the place to get my usual exam and fill the pills. The recording said their offices were currently close ... It was 9:30AM. WTF? So, if they just closed and never sent a letter out to the patience, Iapos;m going to pissed. I need that stuff And speaking of something freaky -- Iapos;ve had 2 inmates from different parts of the pod tell me they had dreams that I was pregnant. HELL NO

Other than that, itapos;s up to NY next week for Katrinaapos;s wedding. Iapos;m trying to keep my patience with the Navy. First Pete will be able to go, then he canapos;t because heapos;ll be in Annapolis, then the ship broke a drive shaft, so they wonapos;t be able to go, NOW theyapos;re going to Yorktown to on-load amo and missles on Monday, AND IF() they canapos;t get the shaft fixed, then they wonapos;t be able to go to Annapolis and THEN heapos;ll be able to go to the wedding.

Thus is the life of a Navy Wife ......

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Last night was the bonfire/"block party". Last year tons of people went and it lasted an hour or so because everyone danced. Not so much this year. It was a little lame. We basically only stayed for maybe 20 minutes after the bonfire was lit. We hung out and talked and then watched the fireworks show, during which a big green firework that was definitely was supposed to go off 20+ feet in the air went off on the ground. Kind of scary. While we we there we found out we placed 3rd for the downtown window decorating contest, which is awesome.

Then things started going slightly downhill. I went back to the house, but finding out that no one was really hanging out in the parlor yet, I decide to go home. As I was digging in my purse as I was walking to my car, I couldnapos;t find my keys. I go back to the house and dump the contents of my purse out. They werenapos;t in there. I begin to go into panic mode, thinking I locked my keys in my car. My car ended being left unlocked (which was so smart of me to do - but I donapos;t do it often) and my keys werenapos;t in there. I started to think that my keys were left in the field where the bonfire party was still going on, but I�didnapos;t want to think that I lost them there. Thankfully, they ended being at the house, how I put them down when I was in there was a couple minutes, I have no idea. My keys need to be permanently attached to me or something, I swear. Ugh.

Anyway, after that, we had another soccer game, where our opponent actually showed up this time....and then kicked our asses. But it was fun, at least, to play. Unfortunately I ended up hurting my foot/ getting my foot hurt by the other team. I kicked the ball the same time a guy (yes, a guy -weapos;re the only girl team for intramural soccer) from the other team kicked it. The spot that was bruised, or whatever happened to it, still hurt this morning.

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climbing uphill- the last five years

I took these from various places on the web.� I�like them because they bring up the points that pro-lifers consistently ignore, such as how ignorance can play a role in unwanted pregnancies.� And no, you will almost certainly not be able to convince me to be pro-life, just in case anyone out there is tempted to try. :)�

The first argument is the most powerful, if you ask me.� It implies that pro-lifers are primarily motivated by the desire to punish women who make choices that result in unwanted pregnancies.� How many pro-life people would argue that we should make it illegal to refuse to donate blood if the refusal would result in someoneapos;s death?��Thatapos;s essentially the exact same situation that an abortion is, and yet pro-lifers essentially argue that women should go to jail for having abortions.

1) I�think the issue of when life begins is irrelevant.� Letapos;s imagine that the fetus is unambiguously a person. To give a concrete example, letapos;s imagine it is an adult who is connected to the womanapos;s body. If this were to actually happen, our laws would unambiguously say that the woman would have the right to disconnect herself, even if it meant the person would die. Even if it was through some mistake of the womanapos;s that the person came to be connected, she would still have the right to disconnect. Imagine that she had accidentally hit the person with her car, and now they needed to be connected to her body in order to recover. The law may punish her, but it could not force her to stay connected. We cannot legally be forced to donate blood, bone marrow, or any other part of our body to save other human lives. In fact, even the dead have a greater right to bodily privacy than people do to life (think about the outcry if organ donation were made mandatory, despite the fact that people die from lack of organ donors. The person who refuses to have their body used in any of these ways does not have to give any reason. They do not have to be underage or have their life at risk. They just do not want to.

2) Alhough they sometimes try to disguise the fact, many people who want to eliminate abortion really do want to give the unborn MORE rights than the mother. The reason for this is simple - they believe that the mother is personally responsible for creating the child so she surrendered any right to object to what that child might do to her at that point.

Framed in this way, there are obvious cases of injustice. A raped mother obviously couldnapos;t consent to anything, nor can one who is underage. But they overlook any number of other - perhaps quite common - similar cases:

What about a woman who is told by her doctor that she cannot get pregnant. Should she be responsible for a child? Or one who has any number of very common mistaken beliefs, such as apos;you canapos;t get pregnant on your first timeapos; or apos;you canapos;t get pregnant if thereapos;s no orgasmapos;? If society has taken no successful means to correct such ignorance, it is fair for them to impose a punishment because of it? And thereapos;s the very common delusion of apos;it canapos;t happen to meapos; (which affects people in almost every domain of life).

A business contract signed under conditions where one party was egregiously mistaken about the terms can be considered completely void. Why is this any different?

If you can get your opponent to grant the unborn even equal rights instead of more, you probably have half your work done. I know of almost nobody who would say that another equal has the right to demand what a fetus gets from mom: food, being carried around everywhere, rearranging internal organs, interfering with lifestyle, and perhaps even causing a loss of workplace benefits and even life itself. If you suggested that someone else had to do all these things and more for you for nine months, theyapos;d laugh in your face and rightly so.

And thatapos;s not even addressing any problems or issues that may arise through the entirety of the childapos;s life

I think the apos;potential human beingapos; argument is more productive that you suspect, too:

Consider that more than 25 of all pregnancies spontaneously abort all on their own. And itapos;s almost impossible to measure how many embryoes simply fail to implant in the uterus and just die. In other words, even in the most advanced countries in the world, babies are not a certain outcome from pregnancy.

If it is valid to treat an adult human as a certain outcome of a pregnancy, it is only slightly less valid to treat other possible outcomes as certain, no? How do we distinguish one possible outcome from other as certain? Or should we prosecute men and women who go to fertility clinics for neglect and murder if itapos;s found that the embryoes canapos;t implant in the motherapos;s uterus (someone who never even became pregnant)?

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I gots me a job Finally. I went out to a job fair today and applied for a ton of shit and when I came home there was a message for me... From a company I interviewed at like three weeks ago. And I called them back and the guy was like "How soon can you start?" and I was like "How about Monday?" and it was settled.

So Iapos;m glad that that shit is dealt with. The job is at a photo lab place, doing digital retouching of prom and graduation photos and the like. I imagine it will get tedious, but at least I donapos;t have to think too hard about it, which will leave my precious mental processes free to think about getting an apartment and putting my business together. Only problem is that itapos;s in Montague, which means Iapos;ll probably need to buy a car. :/

Okay, time to look at apartment listings on craigslist.



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