среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

eric gable

Dear Bikers,

Please please, could you deign to notify me when youapos;re about to pass me? I donapos;t mind the silence when itapos;s, say, a big empty road, and you give me lots of space. Or when weapos;re on the Hawthorne bridge and Iapos;m biking in the pedestrian lane. Then, I expect it. But really, when itapos;s a street downtown, and me and the driving cars and the parked cars are a tight fit anyway, or in a fucking INTERSECTION where I am trying to keep track of whoapos;s turning where so cars donapos;t kill me, could you at least give me a ring? A noncommittal grunt or something? I will gladly move my slow ass over so you can pass me out. Iapos;ll even shout out a "thank you" just for letting me know. So not only do you get to not slow down, you get Added Feel Good Bonus Points Frankly, bikers, you owe me at least that, because one small accidental swerve to the left on my part could mean you barrel into me and we both die. I like life. I expect you do too


PS. For the record: I donapos;t pass unless thereapos;s lots of space and no cars coming. And when I do, I always shout "on your left" or the appropriate direction. And I say thank you if they move over for me. I donapos;t find these to be especially trying niceties, so could ANY OF YOU try them on me?? It really is very rarely when someone notifies me that theyapos;re going to pass me.

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